
We believe genuine and early engagement with local communities and stakeholders is the best approach to delivering good project outcomes.

Sharing the benefits with community

Sharing the benefits of projects with communities is fundamental to our belief in building value that matters.

One of the ways we will do this is through a Community Benefit Program, with an annual financial contribution to support community needs and share the value of projects.

The Community Benefit Program could include opportunities to fund:

  • Environment and sustainability initiatives and projects

  • Local skills, employment and training programs

  • Local Traditional Owner initiatives

  • Valued projects that contribute to a thriving community

  • Sponsorship requests

Our approach

From the earliest stage of our work, we look to partner with locals, including Traditional Owners and other landholders, councils, community groups, industry, agriculture and residents.

We do our homework to understand the potential of development sites, both for clean energy and for opportunities to deliver community benefits tailored to local needs -then we get out to talk with the people who really know the area.

We combine our community centric philosophy with our technical skills right from the start, because we know from our experience internationally and on Australia’s first offshore wind farm – the best clean energy projects are created with communities at the centre.

Local and social procurement

We are committed to procuring goods and services locally in the region where possible. This will include using:

  • Local catering and cleaning services

  • Businesses run by Traditional Owners

  • Local manufacturing and suppliers

If you are a local business or supplier get in touch with our project team.